Celebrity Hookup Hotels

Celebrities, they’re just like us: they go to hotel bars to hook up.

The question, of course, is which hotels, so we can watch them and take cell phone pictures. Well, MSNBC has decided to feed your obsession by publishing a list of known celeb hangouts called Busted! Hotels where celebs go to hook up.

On the list?
The Soho Grand (right)
The Beverly Hills Hotel
The Palms Casino Resort
and more.

Shocking? Not really; the hotels they mention tend to be the trendiest, as well as the ones you always see in the tabloids. Why are celebrities hooking up there? Because they want to be seen.

Those hotels are awesome. Check out these *weird* hotels:

Santa’s journey in real time

Since 1955 NORAD, the U.S.-Canadian organization responsible for aerospace and maritime defense of the U.S. and Canada, has been tracking Santa’s journey from his home on the North Pole around the world. It’s no joke. You can actually follow Santa and his nine reindeer in real time, beginning at 6 a.m. EST! For the first time in fifty years, though, NORAD has teamed up with Google (namely, the GoogleEarth program) to provide families with exclusive access to Santa’s whereabouts on this special day.

According to NORAD’s Santa Tracking site, Mr. Claus is detected by a combination of radar, satellite, Santa cameras, and fighter jets. Rudolph’s extra special infrared nose is particularly helpful as a sensor for the satellites, while the Santa cams actually capture real footage of Santa and his reindeer on their sometimes treacherous journey around the globe. The F-15 and F-16 jets provide necessary protection should Santa get in trouble in international airspace.
There are plenty of fun games and activities to play online on the Kids’ Countdown page. To track Santa’s skyfleet around the world in 3-D, you’ll need to download a special version of GoogleEarth here. Catch some exclusive video footage of Santa’s journey here. The video page is only available on Christmas Eve!

Where on Earth week 53: Toledo, Spain

Well done Peter, Craig, Carlos A, GirlsGottaTravel, and Frank who even knew its Latin name (Toletum). In hindsight, I suppose my description was actually a dead giveaway. Oh well.

Located 70km from Madrid, it used to be the capital of the Spanish Empire. Architecturally it is beautiful — this photo does not do it justice. In 1986 it was declared a World Heritage Site for its extensive cultural heritage as a result of the Christians, Jews and Arabs living in harmony here. If you like marzipan, this is the place to get it. As touristy as it is today, I really like Toledo and always take visitors there for a day trip.

Where on Earth? Week 53

This is one of my favorite little towns. It has strong historical significance and shares the name of a city in Ohio. Unfortunately, it’s more a tourist town now than anything else. Where is it? Leave a comment, and we’ll be back on Friday to reveal the location!

Where on Earth? Week 52 – Casablanca, Morocco

After a couple wrong guesses– Mecca, Vatican City– several of you managed to identify the spot above as being the steps of the Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca, Morocco.

The mosque, seen here, was completed in 1993 and is the second-largest in the world, next to the one in Mecca. Congrats to those who identified the photo correctly, and to those that didn’t, cheer up. Things’ll turn around.