Galley Gossip: The official laviators music video!

Dear Heather,
My name is George, I am from Europe and I’m 19 years old. I know about your websites since a long time. Today I was browsing and I’ve discovered the pictures with the laviators. In the same time I was listening to a song and I’ve got inspired. I have a great idea of making a video with all your laviators and send it to you as gift. I will use the pictures only for you and me. I won’t publish it. If you want you can use it for your websites, I think everyone will like it as it’s kind of tribute or so. I’m sure it will be nice, great and fun. Please don’t break my heart and give me your accept. I will send you a sample first so you can decide what to do with it. It’s my gift, please accept it. : ) Thank you very much!

Kind regards,


PS I’ve never traveled by plane even if this was one of my dreams (include becoming a flight-attendant!) but I couldn’t afford a trip. I am fond of airlines. I know all the procedures. I have collections of airline newspaper advertisements and I have videos on YouTube as well. I once had a virtual airline…I love the crews. When I see an airplane my heart melts. Thank you for sharing your life with us!

Fly beautiful!

Dear George,

Not only do I give you my accept, I LOVE IT! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I can’t even tell you how much this video has made my day and I can’t wait to share it with all the other laviators! George, you are too kind. I really wish I could fly to wherever you are in Europe (Romania, I think) and give you a big fat hug.

Now we’ve got to figure out a way to get you on an airplane! SOON. I mean how can it be that someone like you, someone who absolutely loves everything about aviation, someone whose heart melts when he sees an airplane, has not yet flown! It’s just not right. Something must be done about this.

Again, thank you George.


For those of you who have absolutely no idea what this is all about, read my Galley Gossip post, the hottest trend on the airplane since the mile high club, as well as what MSNBC recently wrote, The New Mile High Club is “G” Rated . And then, next time you fly, don’t forget to pack a camera in a carry-on bag and whatever you do, don’t be afraid to get creative! Need a few photography tips before you slide the camera into the pocket and make a move to the lav? Check out what our very own Gadling photography expert, Karen Walrond, suggests when it comes to taking a self portrait. Until then, take the poll below and let me know which phrase you prefer on YOUR T-shirt…

