Tuesday Travel Trivia (Week 33)

Welcome back to Tuesday Travel Trivia– it’s like Jeopardy without that know-it-all host.

We had quite a few winners last week— apparently I’m not as clever as I thought– but the first winner was Jeff. Congrats!

Want to become this week’s trivia champ? Check out the following ten questions and leave your answers in the comments. Good luck!

  1. What is the only mobile National Monument in the United States?
  2. What documentary-style reality show on the History Channel follows those whose profession is to drive big rigs over frozen lakes in Alaska and Canada’s Northwest Territories?
  3. What mountain located on the French-Italian border is the highest point in Western Europe?
  4. In a popular song from the ’70s, Bob Seger sang, “If I ever get out of here, Im going to…” what high-altitude city?
  5. Human rights groups protested this week when two journalists were sentenced to twelve years of hard labor in what country?
  6. Many claim the origins of backpacking can be traced to the “Hippie Trail” of the 1960s and ’70s, a trail which followed what historic network of trade routes?
  7. What Middle Eastern city was the location of Barack Obama’s June 4, 2009, speech entitled “A New Beginning”?
  8. What country borders Russia to the north and China to the south, east, and west?
  9. What Las Vegas entertainer who has performed for over 40 years has earned the nicknamed “Mr. Las Vegas”?
  10. What Greek “Father of History” who lived in the 5th Century B.C. has also been called the world’s first travel writer?

Check out the answers to last week‘s queries below the fold…

  1. What European country is tops in the world in per capita beer consumption? Answer: The Czech Republic
  2. What city is the world’s southernmost national capital as well as its most remote (farthest from any other capital)? Answer: Wellington, New Zealand
  3. In Japan, members of what profession live in traditional houses called okiya in areas called hanamachi? Answer: Geisha
  4. What humorous columnist for the Miami Herald once described family vacations as “experiences that will remain locked forever in the scar tissue of your mind”? Answer: Dave Barry
  5. At their closest points, about how far apart are Alaskan territory and Russian territory? A. 3 miles B. 27 miles C. 51 miles D. 82 miles Answer: A. 3 miles
  6. What traditional pickled Korean food is often made with cabbage and is the country’s most popular side dish? Answer: Kimchi
  7. What country is missing from the following list? Argentina, The Philippines, Uruguay, Colombia, Cuba, The Dominican Republic, Chile. Answer: Mexico (countries that use the peso)
  8. What country’s flag displays the Union Jack in the upper left corner and four red stars with white borders to the right? Answer: New Zealand
  9. What city’s metro has stops called Náměstí Republiky, Můstek, and Staroměstská? Answer: Prague
  10. The city of Ljubljana is the capital of what European country? Answer: Slovenia