Helps you decide where to travel

If you can’t decide where to go and you need some direction or original suggestions, you might want to check out travel website Trazzler. What makes you actually want to use this website is 1) Its simplicity 2) The fact that it tries to assess your “travel personality” before it makes suggestions.

Log on and it will give you short trip suggestions wherever you live. I logged on and immediately got 3 recommendations of trips around Madrid, so I’m assuming it picks up where you are logging in from and gives you ready information, (or it’s a random coincidence). Likewise, you can ask for the same for any other destination, or if you want to narrow your search for a trip that (for example) will stimulate your taste buds, you can search under “culinary”.

Then you can fill information about what sort of trips you have already been on, and where you’d like to go. This is partly how they capture some of your emotional qualities and recommend your trips accordingly. For the same purpose, there are also some travel pop-quizzes you can take.

It has a talented team behind it and like Tumblr and Twitter, it functions on an easy platform — so it’s no surprise that the co-founders of Twitter are the “Founding Advisors” (whatever that means) of Trazzler. It’s quick, effortless, and worth a check out.