Charge your electronics with a small, portable windmill

We’ve posted here on Gadling a number of times about various solar travel toys that will help charge your camera, cell phone, iPod, or other handy gadgets while on the road.

The sun, however, is not the only source of energy provided to us by Mother Nature. The magic of wind power can also juice up your electronics.

It’s a little harder to capture the wind on a smaller scale, however. But that hasn’t stopped a company by the name of Orange from trying out a prototype they hope to shortly bring to market. The small device, weighing in at just 150 grams, is intended to capture enough wind energy to charge up a typical cell phone.

The designers envision that campers will attach the device to their tents so that they can chat away the whole weekend if they wanted to. If I had one, however, I’d strap it to the outside of my car–although with the speed of LA traffic these days, I’d be lucky to generate enough power to charge my electric toothbrush.