50 Year Anniversary of Europe on $5 a Day (Man, How Things have Changed!)

Europe on $5 a Day is quite laughable these days especially considering the horrific exchange rate between the dollar and the euro.

And yet, 50 years ago, the venerable Arthur Frommer was able to publish a book by this very name.

Europe on $5 a Day became an instant classic and the inspiration behind so many Americans venturing overseas for the first time. Mind you, this was at a time when “European travel” conjured up images of “steamer trunks” and “first-class travel,” according to Beth J. Harpaz, who recently interviewed the 77 year-old Frommer about the series he launched. Budget travel at the time simply wasn’t something a person ever considered. Frommer changed all that.

Sadly, times have caught up with the title. Frommer first had to change it to Europe on 5 and 10 Dollars a Day in the 1960s and then made adjustments throughout the years. The series is finally being retired this year after having reached the final Europe from $95 a Day title.

Personally, I’m happy that Frommer has recognized when to quit. Europe from $400 a Day just seems to lose some of its allure. And yet, if the dollar doesn’t continue its slide, this is exactly what we can look forward to.