Season Eight: Where in the World is Matt Lauer?

Just a quick reminder for all you Today Show fans and Matt Lauer groupies. The traveling talk-show host will kick off his 8th week-around-the-world adventure tomorrow morning. After seven years, he’s logged over 180,000 miles and has touched down in at least 34 different destinations around the world, from Bilbao to Beijing.

The cryptic clue he gave with regards to where he’ll turn up tomorrow: “This is the second time we’ve stopped in this country, but our last four trips all began here.” I’m too tired and uninterested to stay up late trying to tackle this one, but I’m sure some fans are hard at work on their geographic guesses. Last week, TODAY producer Paul Manson shared a bit more puzzling info about stop number one. Follow along at the AllDay blog to get updates and check out FollowMatt for even more fun related to his fast-paced global adventure.