Portable UV Germ Killer

Germs lurk everywhere and that is why I often travel with a little bottle of Prell hand sanitizer for those places I find particularly nasty. Because just a few of the wrong germs while traveling abroad can ruin your trip faster than a downed airplane.

For those who are really serious about their germ phobia, there is a new product that should alleviate some fears. The Zadro Nano-UV Scanner is a small device about the size of a cell phone that uses ultra-violet light to kill loitering germs. Need to make a phone call in your hotel room and concerned that Typhoid Mary may have used it recently? Just zap it for 10 seconds with your Nano. Zadro claims it will kill 99.9% of germs, including E. coli, Asian bird flu and SARS viruses.

Not too shabby! I think I’m going to mount one on a hat and continuously zap everything in my near vicinity the next time I visit Central Asia.

Cost: $80