Friday Funny: Philosopher Soccer

As much as I try to get myself excited about soccer, I usually get rather bored about halfway through a match. I know, that’s probably both ignorance and culturally insensitive of me. Our European readers no doubt hold me up as a typical closed-minded, fast-food eating American…which I contest I am not…although I do love a little Taco Bell now and then. But as I say, the scores are so low! You sometimes have to wait and entire game before someone scores a gooooooallll! and then prances around the field like they just liberated Paris (oh wait, that was us). No no, just kidding.

All this is not to fire up the tempers of gadling readers, but rather as a preface for one of my favorite Monty Python skits of all time, the Philosopher’s soccer, football, match.

Courtesy of YouTube, if this one doesn’t meet the fine criteria of a Friday Funny, I don’t know what does.

(Thanks, Howie!)