Mythical, Googly-Eyed Sea Creature Found in Russia is quickly becoming one of my favorite sites. It regularly features a heavy dose of weirdness from Russia, of course, where “something cool happens daily on 1/6th of the Earth’s surface.” And below the surface, it turns out.

A post on the site yesterday claims a group of fisherman off the coast of the Rostov region captured a strange, stingray-like creature that was “moaning like a human, not as fish, [and] weighed 200 pounds and was rotating its eyeballs.” Lovely.

I have no reason to believe this is a hoax, but upon viewing a video they have on the website, I now have my doubts. Something fishy is going on here — it’s skin looks like a rubber glove, and it’s face looks too alien-like, like someone was trying to create a mythical underwater creature. Who knows, though — there’s a lot of weird stuff coming out of Russia.