Backing up your Travel Journal

There are two things I worry most about losing while traveling; my photos and my journal. These are the only two items that are completely irreplaceable.

With the advent of digital cameras, one can now ensure their photos remain safe by stopping by an internet café and emailing them home. Or simply burn a disk and snail mail it home.

The same thing can be done with journals if you happen to lug around a laptop while traveling. I don’t. I personally prefer the old fashioned travel journals fashioned from processed wood pulp. You know, paper. And a trusty pen.

So how do you back up such antiquated technology?

Simple. With new technology. The Logitech IO2 Digital Pen tracks and stores the strokes you make while writing and then digitizes them when plugged into a computer. The pen stores “up to 40 pages of notes between downloads” and can operate for eight hours on a single charge.

So as long as your journal and pen aren’t stolen or lost at the same time, you should have a trusty backup in case things go wrong.

Cost: $149.99