Dazzling Effects of HDR Imaging

Following up on Dave’s “Lights of Tokyo” post yesterday, I tracked down some more amazing cityscape photos of Japan for your viewing pleasure. It’s hard to believe these are real photos and not some computer generated model. Like Dave mentioned, the effect is obtained by a post-production image processing method called HDR.

What exactly is HDR? “High dynamic range (HDR) images enable photographers to record a greater range of tonal detail than a given camera could capture in a single photo,” says CambridgeInColour.com’s tutorial on creating HDR images. The breathtaking final product you see is actually a combination of multiple images of varying exposures, yielding the cartoonish, futuristic qualities typical of this process.

Flickr has a large community of photographers creating HDR images, and simply searching for “HDR” brings up thousands of impressive examples. If you’re interested in creating your very own HDR photos, start with the CambridgeInColour.com tutorial, which requires Adobe Photoshop CS2 (and a digital camera, of course) — and be sure to share your results with us!