Let the Blind Hunt!

We don’t post very often about hunting here at Gadling, but since, like fishing, it is an outdoor activity which involves travel, we thought we’d bring you up to date on what’s going on down in Texas.

Out of concern that blind people are unable to enjoy the thrill of killing woodland creatures, Republican Rep. Edmund Kuempel has sponsored a state bill which would allow visually challenged, wannabe hunters the opportunity to dispatch Bambi, Thumper, and similarly heinous ilk from the face of Texas.

The bill calls for the legal use of laser sights so that “legally blind” hunters can draw a better bead on their prey and subsequently blow out their furry little brains.

Such a practice is currently illegal because of the deer-in-headlights syndrome that laser sights can cause. If the law is passed, hunters have to prove they are legally blind in order to use the devices. Once they have done so, they will be free to fire at will.

Don’t you just love Texas?