To Tip or Not to Tip

To tip, or not to tip. That is the question which plagues every traveler the moment he or she leaves their home country.

A good guidebook will hopefully point you in the right direction, but this is not always the case. So, what do you do?

Thankfully, has published a few general rules to help confused travelers. One of the more interesting things I learned was that in Tahiti, Fiji, and Singapore, tipping is actually considered rude. Austria, Czech Republic, Germany and Hungary, on the other hand, are countries which enjoy their tips, just don’t leave it on the table.

One of the questions the article fails to address are those countries where it is not customary to tip, but locals expect it anywhere since I am an American and they know that it is customary to tip in America. I’m always confused with this and have disappointed my share of waiters who expected a little something extra from me, but not their compatriot sitting at the next table.