Word for the Travel Wise (09/11/06)

The Great Australian Outback Cattle Drive is just around the corner – that’s if you consider May 2007 nearby. This should be enough time to plan if you wish to take part in rounding up 500 head of cattle, taking them through the outback by day and sleeping by a cozy, warm, crackling campfire at night. The four nights five day cattle drive tours take place May 5 – June 10, 2007. See details on Australia.com.

Today’s word is a Bush word used in Australia:

duffing – stealing cattle

Hiroyuki Yokose does a great job outlining Aboriginal words used in Australian English like our vocab words from the past. For additional words you may wish to check out his findings. The Bangerang Cultural Centre is one of the first Aboriginal museums in the country and has a list of words online from this particular tribe. Wiki lists a large number of tribes and languages found in Australia which if you already haven’t set your mind on one in particular you can try picking one off their list. Try Lonely Planet’s Outback Australia guide for additional offline reading and trip planning.

Past Aboriginal/Australian words: cooee, yabber, bush telly