World Citizens Guide

The motto of this
new group should be Be Not Thee an Ugly American. And good for them for saying so. Yes, at a time when we
really, truly need to project the very best image we can overseas, it seems many folks are still heading abroad and
wondering out loud why it is these other durn counties don’t take American dollars. Oh, please.

And so
comes the "World Citizens Guide" published by
Business for Diplomatic Action Inc. The guide offers 16 tips to behave properly when overseas. Among the tips:

  • Try to speak a little of a foreign language and respect local customs. (well, duh)
  • Be safety conscious not fearful (OK, that’s cool)
  • Dress for respect (can’t tell you how many
    dreadlocked, stinky hippie college kids I’ve seen in places like Thailand…clean up your act people!)

Anyway, a good, informative list and you
gotta give some props out to the folks that put this lsit together. Now if we can only get people to download and read
the thing.