Papua New Guinea

It’s one of the
most exotic places on earth. Some day there are still head-hunting tribes there, and I wouldn’t be surprised if this
was true. I mean, collecting heads, that’s fun. But to be honest, I’ve always wanted to travel to Papua New Guinea and I keep my eyes open for any
stories about the place that seem intriguing. And so we have this nice little piece on PNG from the Independent.

Turns out, says Jessica Morris,
that travel companies are beginning to organize tours to PNG, and she explains why this makes sense and why PNG is
really the new frontier for adventure travel. She heads there and finds "banks thick with mangroves" where
villages are built on stilts to built to withstand floodwaters (a not uncommon mode of architecture in this part of the
world). She encounters fisherfolk in their canoes catching dinner and where home-dried tobacco leaves are used as a sort
of primitive Off to deter mosquitoes. Does this sound like fun to you? Well, at the very least it’s adventuresome. Maybe
give the idea a try if you’re up for something on the exotic side.