Red Corner: Adventurer Karl Bushby Arrested in Russia

Crossing the Bering Strait on foot turned out to be the easy part. Adventurer Karl Bushby, a British paratrooper who is 7 ½ years into a 12-year odyssey to walk around the world, is currently being held by authorities in Lavrenty, Russia.

Since there was no border officials to greet him when stepping off the Bering Strait ice and onto Russian soil, Bushby and a travel partner were on their way to the nearest town to process their arrival papers when they were picked up by authorities. Naturally, their paperwork was not in order and the Russian police weren’t buying into their, “we walked here from Alaska” excuse. Especially considering they were carrying satellite phones, a gun, and sophisticated GPS equipment.

The British government is currently working to negotiate Bushby’s release so that the adventurer can continue on his journey. I might be wrong, but I don’t think this will be the end of Bushby’s challenges in Russia’s Far East.