Africa Travel: Liberia

Liberia’s political history is something I’ve been wanting to get knee-deep in for the longest. As an African-American I find the resettlement of process of ‘free men of color’ from America back into Liberia in 1822 fascinating. Liberia is a country that sits  between Cote d’Ivoire and Sierra Leone off the North Atlantic Ocean in western Africa and of all the west African countries Africans were plucked from and sent abroad to work in fields it blows me away that under the American Colonization Society they decided Liberia was the appropriate place. When the settlers made their way into the so called ‘Promised Land’ they did not become reintegrated into the African society and referred to themselves as Americans. (Wikipedia is a great source of info for continued reading.) So not to ramble on about Liberia’s complex political history it just makes me wonder the exact place from where my own ancestors came. Something that makes me think.

Today Liberia sees little tourists as it struggles to clean up a messy past filled with civil wars and is considered a huge no-go-zone by several travel publications. However, learning about the country and traveling by books and photos will keep the interested engaged for days. Friends of Liberia is an incredible site with up-to-date information, photos, projects and tips on how to help Liberia in becoming socially and economically stable. The site was started by a USA-based network of former Peace Corps workers who have been honored on numerous occasions for their dedication to Liberia. A must visit!