Use Your Cell Phone In-Flight

I go both ways on this.
Whether its a good or bad development, I suppose, is in the ear of the beholder.

While for years and years
now, we’ve been warned to turn off all electronic devices, including cell phones" under the supposition that said
electronic devices could interfere with the airplane’s navigational/communications circuitries. But now, perhaps as
early as December, you might very well be able to make calls
from 30,000 feet. Now again, is this good or bad? It is good if you really need to be in touch with folks while you’re
flying. It is good if you maybe want to check your email on your phone or see where Time Warner is that day. It is good
if you need to let a family member know that your plane will arrive late, and so they are free to catch the end of Will
and Grace rather than race to the arrivals gates to see you. It is bad if you are Marketing Marvin and you are gong to
babble for an hour with associates about your newest campaign. Or if you just can’t stand being away from your new
boyfriend and absolutely must chatter with him during the five hours during which the plane is in flight. It is bad if
you are the row-mate of said girl or marketing guy. It is bad if you are blissfully immersed in a good book and someone
next to you is babbling like a Tourettes’s victim with ADD.

So again, it is all a matter of perspective.
Which side you are on is up to you. I am merely the bearer of the news.