Stink, Stank, Stunk

We’ve all endured our fair share of bothersome seatmates on long distance flights.  Chatty Cathy, Larry Leviathan, Snoring Steve, and Peanut-Bladder Patty have all managed to make the oh-so-cramped seats of today’s airlines even more confining and suffocating then they already are.  In a disgruntled letter to the LA Times Travel Section, Marna Geisler of Santa Monica complains about yet another: Stinky Sam. 

The response from the Times was rather surprising.  Most American carriers do indeed have a Body-Odor Policy in which they can treat malodorous offenders in the same manner as the drunk, surly and bomb-toting: they can remove them from the flight. 

I don’t know about you, but I can sure think of some national carriers abroad that might want to think about instigating the same policy.