Now We're Cookin'

The Cook Islands have always been one of those destinations in the
world that are such a familiar name, yet I really had no idea where they were.  I ran across them recently when,
in the very late month of November, I began searching for a vacation spot to celebrate New Year’s. 
Everything in Costa Rica and Belize (my first choice) was booked and so I turned to one of my favorite magazines, Budget Travel, to find some last minute deals.

The Cook Islands, as it turns out, are in the South Pacific – a location I always considered too far and too
expensive to visit.  But this is simply not true.  I learned that Air
New Zealand
can get you there on an easy overnight flight from LA and that accommodations are actually quite
affordable.  I ended up booking through South Sea Adventures
who hooked me and my girlfriend up with airfare and eight nights in a beach bungalow with breakfast included for
just over $2200 each.  This was a great deal considering I was flying Christmas night and returning just after New

So, please take a moment to sign on the next couple of days to read a series of posts about this fantastic
location.  You won’t regret it.