Longitude’s Best Reads

We try our best here to cover the best books
out there for travelers in search of inspiration…or for those looking for an excellent tote along during your
adventures. Kelly’s One for the Road post today  on When
Elephants Fly, is a perfect example, a book that mixes travel narrative with a meaningful message. That’s one of those
books about a far off and distant place that I’d likely get my hands on on.

Well, the folks at Longitude books have also put up a list of their favorites that might appeal to the readers among
us. This electic list of books features titles like
The Explorer’s Eye, First-Hand Accounts of
Adventure and Exploration
, which is bursting with tales of vigorous adventure. Or, given the problems in that
region of the world, consider William Polk’s
Understanding Iraq, which will likely help you read
the morning paper with a more informed eye. The books here are not really the ones you’ll find at the top of the Amazon
travel list. They tend to be a bit more in-depth and challenging, which makes this list a must-see for the traveler who
wants to learn as they hit the road.