Hooters Air First Flight Ruined by Boob

In my best Claude Raines voice I’d like to say I was astonished

to hear that
some passengers on Hooters Air lack taste and decorum. Who knew? But yes, according to this story,
there is was, the inaugural flight of Hooters Air, and there was some kind of
radio promotion thing going on, so it’s live at five, and one of the guys next to the DJ, a man described as “a big guy
in shorts” says something on the air that is construed as, well, inappropriate. The problem is that this went out to
the listening world, including members of the local police force, and then the FBI…and then the bomb squad got involved
and, well, so went the first flight of Hooters Air. The guy, it should be added, was cuffed and hauled away as a lot of
other boobs looked on.