Free Wi-Fi Airports

I don’t know about you, but I think that wi-fi costs are absurd. I have given up spending time working in most
Starbucks because they have contracted with T-Mobile to provide wi-fi connectivity to customers, and T-mobile, in my
honest and absolutely correct opinion, is a rip off. If you spend hours and hours in
Starbucks, you might find purchasing wi-fi connectivity by the month (at a
hefty $29.99) to be a good deal, but more often we drop into a Starbucks to have a coffee, check email and maybe surf
the Web for an hour, and for this T-Mobile charges $6. Of course, depending on where you are, and if you’re lucky, you
can ride someone’s hot spot for free, but I have found this to be rare.

The same goes with some airports. In

, I tried to get online just to check email and they wanted to charge me $8 for the service. Come on!
Provide a $2-3 quick connect fee and I’m up for it, but $8, forget it. Maybe if you can expense the cost this is for
you, but us lowly freelancers don’t have that kind of coin to throw around.

Here is a resource that folks who share my opinion might find
very useful. It lists the airports around the country that provide free wi-fi access, some of which are terminal
specific (like Jet Blue at JFK and Long Beach) and others that cover the entire airport.
Portland is one airport that provides free wi-fi (good for them!).
Still, hopeless romantic and dreamer that I am, I dream of the day when wi-fi access will be free most everywhere. Yes,
it’s a pipe dream, but a good one.