35 Places for Great Pie in Montana

As a public service project for the rest of us travelers, Garth Sundem took on eating pies from all
over the state of Montana. He wants it to be known just how big of a role pie plays in
Montana’s economy, though I think all this was merely do to his wanting to sightsee and grab a free slice or
two. Can you blame him? Besides, I would never eat that much pie in my lifetime. Whether or not Garth was truly
looking out for the rest of us pie lovers, he did put together a pretty nice list of
35 places
to get the best pies
in Montana, found in Montana Magazine. Below each restaurant you’ll see he has
generously stated which pie is recommended to taste. From blackberry, apple, peach a la mode to sour cream raisin,
it looks as if he really tried them all. Sour cream raisin? Hmm… or Mmm…? I’ll take his word on that one.