Bookstore Tourism Road Trips

Here’s an interesting career alternative or sideline to help bring in the bucks for some of us travel
writers, “Bookstore
  Hmm, never heard of it?  Well, “Bookstore Tourism” is great for travel writers to hit the
road as it combines a travel with frequenting bookstores in other parts of your state and if you’re daring,
further out.  When you think about it what writer doesn’t like to read?  

In the beginning it was simply used as a grassroots effort to promote independent book sellers, but is now being
seen as a hot new way to become your own tour guide, market book stores as tourist destinations and create a
little extra cash flow for your piggy bank.  If you’re thinking this might be kind of cool, but confused at
how to go about it, you can find some step-by-step
, here.  You can also purchase the book by
clicking here or at Amazon.